I will betroth you to Me forever; Yes, I will betroth you to Me in
righteousness and in justice, in lovingkindness and in compassion, and I will
betroth you to Me in faithfulness. Then you will kow the LORD. Hosea 2:19-20

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Boy have I been slacking!! I know I haven't posted in a very long time!

Excuse #1) A few months ago I decided to take a break from Facebook, I guess I let myself use that as an excuse not to post cause I figured who would log on if it wasn't linked to FB.

Excuse #2) I hadn't really felt I had anything to post on. This is the real culprit and it is also named laziness. The truth is the Lord has been speaking and working oh so much I just haven't pushed myself to type it out. And the truth is whether someone reads it or not isn't really the point, it is that the Lord has been working and I should be faithful to SHARE!

So today I will share where I have been these few months.... I have been being ROMANCED! :) and what a beautiful romance it is! For many the idea of being "romanced" by God is one of two things: a Christian cliche or an uncomfortable and foreign idea. But over the last two months it has become oh so real to this girl. How has He been romancing me you might ask?? Great Question!

Think of the best date you have ever been on OR imagined you would be taken on. What are the major things your little girl heart desires in those fairy tale dreams?

Mine might go like this... He picks you up when you aren't expecting it (I love surprises), gives you permission to step away from the things in life that have become to feel like chores or expectations, he takes you somewhere that He has dreamed just for you because He knows you. He has been paying attention, when you talk and dream and point out the beauty that you see. He has been listening and cares and takes you somewhere that would bring joy and beauty into your heart and make you feel just like you always dreamed... loved, known, delighted in, worthy of something beautiful.

I love snow, I always have. After I moved to Oregon I would get a little sad and feel like something was missing every winter with no snow. One night a few weeks ago I was trying desperately to sleep. I tossed and turned and even prayed "Please, just let me sleep!". After awhile I noticed my room seemed much lighter than normal, I opened my shades and it was snowing in Big Fluffy Beautiful Flurries!! I sat on my bed and couldn't help but to feel like the Lord was there with me. We shared that time together and it was so precious. I went outside for a moment to feel the flakes on my face, and felt so loved. I even got to witness a little family with a 3 year old out at midnight making a snowman. They too must have felt the brevity of the moment and realized it was worth the sacrifice of sleep and perhaps a grumpy little one in the morning to make this precious memory. I loved it, and sucked in every moment. After and hour and a half or so I awoke to find the snow melted. I thanked Him, knowing that He must have kept me awake because He knew I would miss it other wise. He took me on a date that night, something just for me and Him. He blessed me with time, and beauty, and something that specifically spoke to my heart and I will never forget it. :)

How has He been romancing you?? Do you let Him in to those places in your heart? Do you trust Him there? I dare you to :) He owes us nothing, the greatest gift of grace has already been delivered to us through His son yet I am continually amazed at how He Sees us and blessed us when we open our eyes and just enjoy the snow :)
