I will betroth you to Me forever; Yes, I will betroth you to Me in
righteousness and in justice, in lovingkindness and in compassion, and I will
betroth you to Me in faithfulness. Then you will kow the LORD. Hosea 2:19-20

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


A few weeks ago as a team of ladies and I jetted from airport to airport on our way to Haiti I poured through the pages of a book loved by Christian women everywhere, Captivating. For years I have listen to ladies just cherish the sweet secrets of every women's heart that unfold in the pages of that book. But to be honest, I had never really read it. I mean I had flipped through the pages here and there. I had from time to time grabbed a verse or read a chapter that seemed needed at the time. I figured that a long day or two of journeying to a foreign country where our mission was to love and teach women was a great chance to see what I had been missing. What a timely opportunity. If you have read the book you know that more than a few times the author highlights the desire of every woman's heart to be seen as LOVELY.

When I was graciously brought back to the Lord 5 years ago and began going to church again I remember looking around and thinking, wow these women are so beautiful. At the time I believed it was because they had "done things right", not at all like me. I had stumbled so many times the idea that I could even begin to build relationships with these women seemed impossible. I remember one night going home and weeping to my mother, I thought "I will never be like these girls, they never laugh too loud or cry too hard, they never say the wrong thing. Surly they have never fallen away or made mistakes that seemed to swallow them up." I thought they were perfect and I wasn't blind to the fact that I was far from that.  But what I didn't know is these women I looked up to, revered, and admired,where not perfect, they were Lovely.

As the years progressed and the Lord blessed me with friendships, sisters, women in my life that would open up their lives and with vulnerable courage begin to show me their hearts. I began to see the truth. These were not women that had somehow evaded the trials of life.. They had stories, they had hurts and wounds, pains and failures just like me. These women where not perfect at all.

The most beautiful women I have been blessed to come to know over the years are not the ones that always have the right answer, dress size, or eloquent speech. Don't get me wrong, they work hard, they seek the Lord to become more like Him, and take care of the bodies and blessings they have been given. But, the most beautiful women I know are the ones who like Esther, went into the palace of the King and they were washed clean. Beauty shines through their love, healing, and surrendered lives. The image of God is what makes their eyes sparkle and their smiles draw you to them. They are strong and vulnerable, courageous and dependant on the Father, beautiful and unashamed. This loveliness does not only shine through women in my town, my church, or my family. This is a loveliness I have been blessed to see in some of the ugliest situations, or horrific circumstances. In far off countries like Haiti where the world has literally crumbled around them.

They reflect the Lord's........
Wisdom and Kindness

Tenderness and Innocence

Heart for the broken hearted.





Thank you Lord for all the women who have opened up their lives to share your lovliness with me.

With all my heart,


  1. Again I am speechless! You have such a warmth about your writing, and you can hear the love and sincerity in your voice. I am so proud of the woman that you have become! I cherish you Amanda Jones.....you have made an imprint on my heart :)

  2. This made me cry Amanda. Especially seeing those photos loved and cherished by someone else and defined in ways I hadn't seen. I LOVE this and I love you!!!!!!

  3. Love this post and love you! You my dear are lovely!

  4. I think there is something so beautiful about stories as you know about me, and I cannot begin to explain how much your story has changed mine. There is something about that word lovely that just makes me melt, you my dear friend are so so lovely and I am so glad to be able to read your words and hear your voice as I read them.
